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Transmission Media Types

 Transmission Media: The use case of transmission media is to transmit the bits from one machine to another machine.

There is three mode to transmit the information from one machine to other machine.

Transmission Mode:

1. Simplex Mode: This is the unidirectional communication. In the simplex mode device only can transmitt or received the data.


 We can say, The communication between the sender and receiver will be in only one direction. The sender only can send the data receiver can only receive the data.

Ex- Monitor, ketboard, Radio, TV etc

Simplex Mode

2. Half Duplex mode: 

In Half deuplex mode the communication between the sender and receiver occurs in both direction, but only one device can send or receive the data at a tme. The sender and received both can send and receive the data but one device at a time.

Half Duplex Mode

Ex- walkie talkie

3. Full Duplex Mode:

In full dulpex transmission mode, the communication between the sender and receiver both can send or received the data at the same time. Both, sender and receiver can trasmit and receive the data at the same time.

Ex- Telephone, Mobile etc

Full Duplex 


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