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Difference between TCP/IP and OSI Model


                                                Difference between TCP/IP and OSI Model                                               


OSI Model

The full form of TCP/IP is Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol

The full form of OSI is Open Systems Interconnection

TCP/IP is based on standard conceptual open system Interconnection (OSI) model that is composed of seven layers. Each layers describe a specific functions. 

This is layered architecture consist of 7 layers. Each layer defines a set of functions takes in data connection, which deals with the functioning of a network.

The TCP/IP model developed by ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network).

The OSI model was introduced by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO)

It concises in four layers:

  • Network Interface
  • Internet 
  • Transport 
  • Application

It has seven layers:

  • Physical
  • Data Link
  • Network
  • Transport
  • Session
  • Presentation
  • Application

It follows a horizontal approach

It follows a vertical approach

The TCP/IP is the concise version of the OSI Model

An OSI Model is a reference model, based on which a network is created

It is protocol dependent

It is protocol independent


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